
An automated Trading Card Game Application written in PHP, covering most of the basics. This type of TCG is not meant to play with the cards, but to collect and trade them. miniTCG is using Bootstrap 5 for styling and FontAwesome for icons.

(Currently Bootstrap is included using a CDN. Because of the DSGVO in Germany you should consider hosting Bootstrap yourself!)

Note, that this startet as an all german project, so you might stumble upon some german text elements in the code! But it should be mostly english by now and the views are being translated as well, with options to add in other languages in the future.

Table of contents

How to setup
How to use
Current Features
Features TBA
Used Libs & Co.
Special Thanks


lowest tested specs:

How to setup

How to use

Some general topics will be explained on the (github wiki). If you got further questions don’t hesitate to ask!

Current Features

Features TBA

Used Libs & Co.

Parsedown by erusev on GitHub
Bootstrap v5.3.0-alpha3 FontAwesome 5.15.3


Special Thanks

Goes to Maron for first testing!
And Kasuna who was planning on using it